KKCG investment group
KKCG is an international investment group administering more than CZK 50 billion in assets and employs more than 2,000 people. As a strategic investor, it focuses long-term on petroleum, natural gas and strategic investments related to lotteries and entertainment, real estate, travel, engineering and ICT. The KKCG Group holds stakes in more than 30 Czech and foreign companies, which include the MND Group, lottery company SAZKA sázková kancelář a.s., Vítkovice a.s., Vítkovice Holding, the Intermos Group, the Fischer travel agency group, Grossman Jet Service, Informační linky a.s. and more. KKCG is active in several countries of the world, specifically Cyprus, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Germany, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Georgia and Ukraine.